Whispering Orchards & Cafe is located between Manitowoc and Sheboygan.
W1650 CTY RD MM, Cleveland, Wisconsin
From Sheboygan, take County DL (known to locals as Dairyland Drive) north to Highway MM. Watch for our sign. Turn left (West) on MM for about a mile.
From Manitowoc take Hwy 43 to Cleveland exit. Go east for 1/2 mile to County DL. Go south on DL to Hwy MM. Turn right (West) on MM for about a mile.

W1650 CTY RD MM, Cleveland, WI
Cafe Hours
Tuesday through Saturday
6 am to 1 pm
Apple Store Hours
Tuesday through Saturday
6 am to 2 pm
CLOSED Sunday and Monday
Copyright 2023 | Whispering Orchards & Cafe